Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January Notes -

We talked about the need to attend a OTD meeting to form contacts for getting some support from volunteers, contact info for the trophies and t-shirts.  Since then Sounds like we need to contact Bill Schlaepfer and attend a meeting to see what's going on.
Jerseys will have more info on next meeting.  Hopefully I'll have design and pricing info next meeting.  Tshirt order is just about ready to go in.  We have 18 signed up for orders and about half of those are paid.
2015 sounds like a busy year for events.  Feb 1st is sign up for the
Laramie Enduro.  The Oklahoma Freewheel is June 7th - 13th more info here - http://www.okfreewheel.com/ 
The Numb ride June 27th to July 1st.  Sounds like a great ride. http://www.numbride.org/
Bran of course - http://bran-inc.org/wp/
Odin's Revenge - http://odinsrevenge.com/
And of course its already full but Bob and I are doing Dirty Kanza.
I'm sure there's more but these are the events we discussed.
We talked about taking Jon H. up on his training camp.  Some questions were raised about if it was a five separate days or five days in a row?
We discussed LB39 and what it does for cyclists and what we can do to help out.
We did a creative grab for ideas on the down town bike racks.  A lot of great ideas came up.  Dead line for submissions are Feb. 13th.  Submit all ideas to
Katie Bradshaw had a discussion with some city planners and they want our info on what routes we take and don't take when we are riding around town.  Is there a street that you take to get from point A to B?  Why do you take that street?  Please bring all this info to the next meeting to be collected.

Next meeting is Febuary 21st @ 4pm at Caddies.
That's all I have for now.  If I missed anything please email me and I'll get it added in.


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