Monday, July 14, 2014

Recap on Oregon Trial Days....

With OT Days over I thought I'd share some things from the weekend.  First off the Hillclimb was great.  Turn out was a little off from last year.  Down 8-10 riders or so.  Everything went off with out a hitch.  Things to improve upon for next year are as follows -
Clearly marked Finish line.
At least three people at the top with pen and paper writing down times.
Then some one communicating that down.
Use a computer and spread sheet.
Promote Promote Promote.
The parade was fun and a great way to get some exposure.  I waned to pass on a huge thank you to all who waited and rode in the parade.  Things to do differently for next year -
Banners on Trailers.
Candy with our clubs web address on it.
More riders.
Meeting following the parade was great.  Thanks Allison for hosting and grilling up some great food for all of us.  We discussed the hillclimb and parade which have already been discussed.  Next thing was setting a time for the Dirk Bowman Memorial ride.  For those of you who didn't know Dirk he was a very avid cyclist in the area who passed recently while riding.  We have a pretty good idea of the route he usually took.  It's a nice 20mile ride on mixed dirt and pavement.  The date for the ride will be September 6th.  Time is still to be discussed.  Next up was a Cancer ride.  Also to be done in the fall.  This one will be for everyone of all ages.  More to come as things get figured out.  What wasn't discussed was time for our August meeting.  I'm good with either the 9th or 16th.  What's better for everyone?  Please let me know.

